My blog has been collecting dust. Neglected and set aside as I've really been taking the time to focus on each day. To be more preset. More involved. I've become distracted from documenting and sharing, allowing myself to indulge fully in the richness and beauty that resides in these days. To just sit and be. To make little mental notes. I've lost the itch that comes along with a blog and a devoted following of friends and family anxious to know what this little trio has been up to.
Forgive me.
We've been no busier than usual, no special vacations or outings. We're just in love. In love with each other. With our life. With every present moment, every twist and turn being thrown our way, seizing opportunities and revamping our perspectives on certain circumstances.
Even in the final resting hours of each long day after the last few precious moments where I lay my sweet girl down for the night, I sit in recollection of our day. Of our family. Of the warm feeling that resides deep in my heart when I think about these two beautiful people.
I can't help but feel truly blessed. Fortunate enough to have a family with such dynamic beauty. Such love. A love that has sprouted out of one that started almost six years ago, surpassing the convoluted seasons of life, allowing us to truly flourish in this present moment. It's authentic and it's real.
I love this man with all my heart. I love him for his patience. For his kind heart. For his cheesy sense of humor. For his ability to see the beauty and good in everyone. I love him because he nags me about continuing school and furthering my education. He encourages me to pursue writing and art, knowing that those, among many other things, are my passion. I love him because he loves our little girl. The way his eyes light up, his face consumed by a smile that shines brightly when he hears a very predictable chirp, a papa, as he turns the key and enters the door. He is my child's father. And he is good.
I love my little girl. I love her innocence.
She has her father's kind heart and her mother's quick temper, my little spit-fire. She is gentle and loving and affectionate, always demanding hugs. She is a learner, anxious and energetic, eager to explore and discover new things. Her eyes are deep and warm, easily piercing the heavy-hearted. She is emotional. A feeler. Easily visible by the tears that form when she sees little puppies or any animal that's moved her. I love that I get to be her mother. We are thriving beautifully in this land of life. Enjoying each other's presence, the little things. I am blessed to own the life I live. It's a good one.