Friday, August 26, 2011

Sit and Be.

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life!  ~Albert Einstein 

My blog has been collecting dust. Neglected and set aside as I've really been taking the time to focus on each day. To be more preset. More involved. I've become distracted from documenting and sharing, allowing myself to indulge fully in the richness and beauty that resides in these days. To just sit and be. To make little mental notes. I've lost the itch that comes along with a blog and a devoted following of friends and family anxious to know what this little trio has been up to.
Forgive me.

We've been no busier than usual, no special vacations or outings. We're just in love. In love with each other. With our life. With every present moment, every twist and turn being thrown our way, seizing opportunities and revamping our perspectives on certain circumstances.

Even in the final resting hours of each long day after the last few precious moments where I lay my sweet girl down for the night, I sit in recollection of our day. Of our family. Of the warm feeling that resides deep in my heart when I think about these two beautiful people.

I can't help but feel truly blessed. Fortunate enough to have a family with such dynamic beauty. Such love. A love that has sprouted out of one that started almost six years ago, surpassing the convoluted seasons of life, allowing us to truly flourish in this present moment. It's authentic and it's real. 

I love this man with all my heart. I love him for his patience. For his kind heart. For his cheesy sense of humor. For his ability to see the beauty and good in everyone. I love him because he nags me about continuing school and furthering my education. He encourages me to pursue writing and art, knowing that those, among many other things, are my passion. I love him because he loves our little girl. The way his eyes light up, his face consumed by a smile that shines brightly when he hears a very predictable chirp, a papa, as he turns the key and enters the door. He is my child's father.  And he is good.

I love my little girl. I love her innocence.
She has her father's kind heart and her mother's quick temper, my little spit-fire. She is gentle and loving and affectionate, always demanding hugs. She is a learner, anxious and energetic, eager to explore and discover new things. Her eyes are deep and warm, easily piercing the heavy-hearted. She is emotional. A feeler. Easily visible by the tears that form when she sees little puppies or any animal that's moved her. I love that I get to be her mother.

We are thriving beautifully in this land of life. Enjoying each other's presence, the little things. I am blessed to own the life I live. It's a good one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little Things - Discoveries

As the summer months pass us by, the closeness of crisper weather is becoming evident in our surroundings. Tall trees are clothed with paper-thin leaves, muted and dry from a season of high heat. They spend their days bathing in rays straight from the heavens and when the sun hits them just right, they shimmer a silvery light.

The Summer sun plays the distinguished role of a couturier, busy during fashion week. The burnt, tiny holes meticulously placed on every leaf, mimic the detailed beauty and sophistication of vintage lace.

And at the sight of these little, delicate beauties scattered along the warm summer sidewalk, the radiant innocence of her age shines through.

My sweet little discoverer.

Friday, August 12, 2011

We're trying to get back into the swing of things. A routine that starts with a cd strategically placed on our windowsill to catch the morning's light, reflecting arches of colors over my little sweet's crib in hopes that she'll catch a glimpse of the sudden miracle and start the morning off with a smile. A routine that requires a ritualistic and appropriately named cup of Awake tea, steamed non-fat, heavy foam, and a heavy helping of cinnamon, as we head over to our near by park.
We've gone on walks and rushed to our favorite stand at the local farmer's market, but all I want to do is seep deep in vacation mode. My house wears the signs of a mama who's retreated to this hideaway. Floors, only vacuumed twice, dishes tucked away in a soapy bath a little longer than even I'm comfortable with, and the laundry, well I don't really need to get into that one. Instead of tying the loose ends around the house, we let it be. We read books and watch movies and enjoy our snacks like old friends catching up over cups coffee. This mentality, this laissez-faire way of life, can sometimes be sweet. Sometimes it's how I savor little memories and special moments.

Like taking Lola to see the horses by Meema's house, seeing the way her little eyes widen with excitement.

Or her curiosity when she experienced the beach for the first time, the feeling of each minute grain of sand between her tiny toes. The sound of constant waves running up on shore and the chills felt when tiny toes were dipped at the water's edge.
Or the early morning trek we took to see the horses once more, creeping out of the house while the boys stayed in. The way the deep and dense fog crept slowly yet consistently over Leo Carillo, my little girl tucked away in the stroller observing the cottontails and little birds scurrying by, was picturesque.

Or the hike exposing the contrasting beauty of ocean and mountains of Meema's land. Lola hiked to the top like an old pro and Pieter played forest ranger extraordinaire, scouting out the places deer had been, proving that he is really just a boy at heart.

Or the time we spent with family celebrating my brother's return.

Or how we ended our last day with a trip with a visit to the Malibu farmer's market. The sight of locals crowding under tents in search of fruits and veggies, milk, juice, eggs, flowers, and baked goodies. Then, giving Lola chance to play like a local child at the Malibu Country Mart Courtyard.

There were so many other wonderful memories, some of which I'll remember forever. I look forward to more family vacations in the future.