Monday, February 07, 2011

In Love- Photo Challenge

I love weddings! No seriously, I LOVE them! But I especially love when the husband or wife to be is a really close friend of mine. Saturday was the wedding of my dear friend David, someone I hold close to my heart. He has always been one of my favorite people, so unbelievably supportive and so kind. He helped me though some of the hardest months of my life, lending a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or the friend I needed late at night. He and his beautiful wife joined us in celebrating the arrival of our daughter. I am eternally grateful for his friendship and his love. 

The wedding was perfect and beautiful. My heart rejoices for their union and I'm blessed and honored to have been in attendance!  

Congratulations David and Mariel!



Anonymous said...

that is an awesome cake, and a fantastic photo of it!!! love it! and love your explanation of the love surrounding the cake/people involved :)

Jhen.Stark said...

YES! This is what I'm talking about! I love the story behind your picture! That is not only a gorgeous cake but such a true, honest reason as to why you love it! Thank you for linking up!

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Weddings are beautiful, amazing things. Thanks for sharing this photo and the story behind it!

The Planet Pink said...

YUM. That looks divine! I love weddings too. :-)

Mayra said...

I love the design, and the picture. Quite a cake! looks oh so very yummy!