Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Day We Had Lola

I can't believe that the first year of my little Lola's life has almost finished. I remember the morning my contractions started and I remember telling Pieter not to be upset that I lost my mucus plug...clearly I was scared. I think "being funny" is my defense mechanism. I remember moving really slowly throughout the day, being really uncomfortable and alone. I imagine I watched lots of TV that day, I wish I would have remembered what. I remember not wanting to go into labor that night because it was the finale night for Lost and The Biggest Loser. I remember eating very little, half a peanut butter sandwich and a pomegranate smoothie, for fear of labor being "unnecessarily" messy- females reading this will know exactly what I'm talking about. I remember the outfit I wore, my red sweat pants and black V-neck. I remember the "BABY'S COMING" bags waiting by the door. I was well read- kept up on the development of the baby, took the birthing classes...but in that moment, at 6:30am, I knew, she would come that day. Well...I was wrong, but we did get the process started. I remember the concerned look on Pieters face when he was timing my contractions. He looks so cute when he's concerned. I remember getting to the hospital after hours so of course it took longer because we had to go in through the ER. Then they ended up losing my pre-registration, so while having what I thought at the moment was horrible contractions  I had to fill out paper work. Sure enough, Pieter stepped in and the only thing I had to do was sign.

There isn't much I remember from that night. I do remember being exhausted. I remember falling asleep between contractions at the wee hours of the morning. Nothing could have prepared me for what labor is. I realize now that it is called that for a reason. Your body works hard. Your mind works hard. You use all your strength, everything that is in you just to know that in a matter of seconds you'll be holding your little sweetness. One of the only things I remember about pushing was knowing that she was right there, knowing that I was the only thing keeping me from her. I felt energized. I felt like a different woman in that moment. I remembered not wanting to take breaks. Pieter says that I pushed for 2 hours. I don't remember it being that long.

Finally, at 11:19am, little Lola decided to grace us with her presence.

It was the most unreal feeling. It was the biggest high. It is pretty indescribable getting to hold your child for the first time. It is the moment when you, officially in a sense, become a parent.

This picture of Pieter makes me smile. I always knew he'd be a wonderful father!

1 comment:

Brittany Noelle Scott said...

OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT!!! Any day now...