Friday, July 20, 2007


i have never missed the person sitting directly next to me so much.
it isnt a distance type of miss, but at times it infact is,
but more of an emotional, physical, spiritual miss.
it is the type of miss that makes me miss your voice.
and the type of miss that makes me miss your goodness.
its the type of miss that makes me miss your support.
its the kind of miss that makes me miss your touch.
and its the kind of miss that has me up this late.
to set some feelings straight.

i feel as though we are now two separate vessels,
two vessels on different tracks, going at different speeds,
making different stops.
i dont know what to do.
this vessel of mine is going faster,
faster, but not fast enough to seem to catch up.
mine wants to.
the vessel ahead of mine goes at a steady, consistent pace,
making frequent stops, reversing everyso often.
its consistent inconsistencies are what cause me to drift behind.
my vessel tries anxiously to catch up,
to be by your side,
to see eye to eye.
but it doesnt.
it tries, and you try,
but it still doesnt.
my vessel is tired. my vessel is drained.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm not-so-secretly in love with you.

You are brilliant and beautiful, and i'm lucky to know you.

just thought you should know.